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Newsletter November 23, 2023

Sunday gatherings at Cedar Park Church

Sunday Worship Service - November 26th at 10:30am
Join us for a time of worship, we will sing and pray together. Pastor Rachel will be preaching on the sermon series - Ephesians. We also have Kids Church program for all children. Our nursery is open for parents with babies and toddlers.
For those who are unable to attend, recorded sermons are now available on CPC's YouTube channel:

Looking for volunteers to decorate Christmas at CPC
Christmas is fast approaching and we are looking for volunteers to help putting up Christmas decorations at the church. We will have a short meeting this Sunday right after the service, please help if you can as we are hoping to get a few decorations up early next week, no experience required, thanks.

Looking for Christmas Decorations Volunteers


Upcoming events at Cedar Park Church

Kid's Event - Nerf Battles, this Saturday Nov 25 at CO5

Invite Kids to the Nerf Battle event

Join us at our next kid's event as we play nerf battles!
Friends are always welcome, and please bring a nerf gun if you have one - we'll have extra's if you don't.
When: November 25 from 2-4pm
Where: Church on Five gym
Who: Families with in preschool and elementary


Church-in-Ministry Meeting - next Sunday Dec 3rd
We are going to have a short meeting next Sunday right after the service to vote on the bylaws amendment regarding CPC membership. It is important that all members of CPC to participate to meet the required quorum.

Congregational meeting regarding membership


Christmas Movie Night and Potluck at CPC - Friday Dec 8 at 6pm
Gather your loved ones, cozy up, and join us for a heartwarming Christmas movie night at CPC. Complete with festive treats and holiday cheer. All are welcome! Invite your friends and family.

Invite people to join the Christmas Movie Night


Christmas Eve Services

Invite people to Christmas Eve Services

If you know that you will be attending the Christmas Eve Service in the evening, please indicate through free tickets at :
This is so important so that we can add another service if we need to & firm up information for our invitation cards!  Thank you for taking the time to grab your tickets!


Ladies Coffee Time
All women of Cedar Park Church are invited to a weekly coffee time on Friday mornings at 10:00. We are meeting at L’aromas Bakehouse in Tsawwassen  (1202B 56th Street). Our last coffee time before Christmas break is Friday December 1st, hope to see you there.

Invite CPC ladies to join the ladies coffee time on Fridays


Community news from Cedar Park Church


Supporting Cedar Park
We are so grateful for all who worship at Cedar Park and so sacrificially give of a portion of their financial resources to support the ministry.

October giving - $12,262
Year to date giving - $198,366
Year to date budget - $227,042

We are currently 12% behind our budget for the year. As we head towards the end of the year, please consider how you might be able to help us achieve this target.
Click on the button below to explore various ways to financially support the work of Cedar Park.


The Sharing Cupboard

The Sharing Cupboard

Please drop off donations for The Sharing Cupboard into the wooden box in the church foyer.  Suggested items include:
Cans of Soup
Canned meat/fish
Granola Bars/Protein bars
Fruit cups
Cereal/oatmeal packs
Shelf-stable dairy and non-dairy beverages
We are also looking for a team of people that would check the cupboard periodically to restock items. If you would like to be part of this group of volunteers, please email Kristina Schierbecker at or chat with me. 


The Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain is a group of people at Cedar Park linked together by email, who are committed to praying, in their own time and place, for certain persons or concerns made known to them by the prayer chain coordinator.  To submit a request to the prayer chain, contact Olga Nickel. You can also email a request to Emailed requests are received by Olga before being sent to the members of the Prayer Chain who keep requests confidential.

submit prayer requests to prayer chain


Witness in Cedar Park Church's life

Latino Workers Support Society

Migrant Workers Christmas Gift Bags
Let's bless our Latino brothers with a heartwarming gift bags filled with:
tooth brush, toothpaste, chap stick, deodorant, shaving cream, razer, body wash, shampoo, and a box of cookies or chocolates).
Please drop off the gift bags latest by Sunday Dec 10. Thank you!

Latino Workers Gift Bags

Latino Worship Service at Cedar Park
Our Spanish Worship Night is on the first Saturday of each month at Cedar Park Church. Service starts at 7pm.  All are welcome to join the service.

Latino ESL program
Wednesday evenings at Cedar Park Church.

Latino Weekly Bible Study
We host our Bible study at the church and in homes. If you want to be our host, please contact Jon Pelen.

Learn more about Jon and Kim's ministry and explore how to support this good work: 


Donations contributing to this Ministry can be made through online at the link below.
Please select project code "Guatemala A1 (Jon & Kim Pelen)"


Categories: Newsletter